Harry Taylor Harry Taylor

From the Helm

2024 has really flown by, but, it has been a great year! August saw the 60th Governor’s Cup, which was great success. A special thanks to Jim Garrett and Scott Titus for the extremely hard work that they put in to organizing everything. There are so many others that volunteered that I am scared to list them individually as I am sure that I will forget someone, but THANK YOU!! The storms and power outage made for a memorable event, yet everything went off perfectly.

On September 1st, there was a game night at the club that was well attended, it is great to see members attending events and enjoying themselves. Your next chance for a good time is coming up quickly, October 5th for Oktoberfest. The event has been planned from Germany by René and Marcus Seiler, and they will be flying over to host it again. Show your support by coming, and if you’re feeling the spirit, throw on your Lederhosen or Dirndln. Mathews and York River Yacht Clubs have been invited and the event is open to the public. I strongly encourage registering sooner rather than later. You can do that on wryc.org or email wareriveryc@gmail.com.

Even though it is September, the water is still warm and the breeze is still blowing. Go out and use the club!

Reminder that Board meetings are always open to the membership and are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm.

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Joshua James Joshua James

Membership Updates and Fall Happenings...

Welcome new members: Chris & Liz Brown, Raven Hundley, & Lew & Paula Volk.

Chris and Liz Brown and their children Mitch, Nolan, and Lilli. 

The Summer Soirée held on July 26th was an absolute success. I want to thank Megan Kerns and Olivia Wilson of Celladora Wines for providing a smorgasbord of wine and food pairings. Sarah Williams provided live music and we danced the night away - the weather cooperated for a spectacular evening!

The next Pickleball Social is Saturday, September 14th at 2pm. Come on down with a friend and enjoy a casual afternoon of pickle ball instruction, round robin play, and food! No experience necessary and spectators are welcome. RSVP to joshuajamesnp@gmail.com.

Trivia Night will be resuming this Fall and will be open to the community. The next trivia night is planned for October - be on the lookout for more information.

Active, engaged members are what keep our club attractive and relevant. WRYC is a hidden gem with lots to offer. Invite a friend to a social or refer them to the website to learn more about our club and membership. Plans for more community-wide events are underway. Your support is appreciated in spreading the word about WRYC! Should you have questions, ideas, or want to volunteer with membership opportunities please reach out to Josh at joshuajamesnp@gmail.com

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Autumn Taylor Autumn Taylor

~ O K T O B E R F E S T ~

Our second annual Oktoberfest is quickly approaching on Saturday, October 5—this event is open to the public and a great opportunity to share what our club has to offer! Our friends from Germany, Marcus and Rene, will be back to put on this special social. Get your tickets soon, as the event is likely to sell out here! Member pricing and their respective household members are $30, non-members are $40, and kids 6-12 are $10. Under 6 are free! This year, we have added an Oompah band and an inflatable obstacle course for the kids, bringing fun for all ages to the event.

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Autumn Taylor Autumn Taylor

NEEDED: Members Volunteering for Social Committee


My three year term as social chair for WRYC is coming to a close at the start of the new year. The past three years brought many events, fun, and a baby to WRYC! Alas, my cup has runneth over, and need a replacement for my spot on the board.

My time as social chair taught me one major thing—this particular position needs a village, not a sole hero. Our club is run on volunteers—I know many of you have served your time over the years, and I appreciate your efforts. We need to have newer members with fresh ideas and drive to continue to make this club fun! I am proposing a Social Committee—one member of the committee can be a voting member of the board, but the idea is to have numerous people to help plan events, strong-arm some volunteers, and execute events at the club to prevent burnout, and introduce newer faces.

The social committee members would not have to attend or work every single event, but rather be able to assist hosts of events, gather volunteers, and support the events that happen at WRYC.

If you are interested in being one of many of the committee, please reach out to Autumn (bariautumn@gmail.com) or the WRYC email, wareriveryc@gmail.com. Thank you!

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Autumn Taylor Autumn Taylor

Game Night Success!

Thank you to all who participated in the potluck and game night—so much food and fun was had by all!

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Layne Brown Layne Brown

Social Reminder

A friendly reminder: Social event fees are kept as low as possible. WRYC does not make money on Socials. Therefore, Member pricing is for the WRYC Member(s) and their Member family household. All Guests and visiting family members are welcome to attend Socials at the Non-member price. Thank you!

Our Socials are all facilitated by Member Volunteers. Please consider Hosting a Social with fellow Members.

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