NEEDED: Members Volunteering for Social Committee


My three year term as social chair for WRYC is coming to a close at the start of the new year. The past three years brought many events, fun, and a baby to WRYC! Alas, my cup has runneth over, and need a replacement for my spot on the board.

My time as social chair taught me one major thing—this particular position needs a village, not a sole hero. Our club is run on volunteers—I know many of you have served your time over the years, and I appreciate your efforts. We need to have newer members with fresh ideas and drive to continue to make this club fun! I am proposing a Social Committee—one member of the committee can be a voting member of the board, but the idea is to have numerous people to help plan events, strong-arm some volunteers, and execute events at the club to prevent burnout, and introduce newer faces.

The social committee members would not have to attend or work every single event, but rather be able to assist hosts of events, gather volunteers, and support the events that happen at WRYC.

If you are interested in being one of many of the committee, please reach out to Autumn ( or the WRYC email, Thank you!