From the Helm…
I hope everyone made it through the days of snow with no issues. With the melting snow comes Spring, and the club is preparing for an eventful 2025. If you have been to the club lately, you might have noticed the work on the shore. This work will be completed in plenty of time for the warmer weather.
Excitingly, the club is now utilizing emails that are easy to remember. The main club email is still wareriveryc@gmail.com, however, if you wish to contact someone directly, you can do so by using the following addresses:
Commodore: commodore@wryc.org
Vice-Commodore: vice@wryc.org
Board: board@wryc.org
Socials: socials@wryc.org
Membership: membership@wryc.org
No matter who is in office, the email address will remain the same. We hope everyone will find this as easy to use as we have.
As always, please take advantage of the warmer weather to use the club!
Fleet Scuttlebutt
Greetings fellow sailors and all club members! I assume many of you are looking forward as I am to the return of spring. As noted elsewhere, Saturday, March 29 is our Spring Work Day, and we will be coordinating with Buildings & Grounds and Sailing Camp organizers to make the most of the activities that day. Regardless of the weather, there will be some organizing and inventory-taking in the sail loft – that will provide an opportunity to get re-acquainted with (or introduced to) the sails and equipment. If the weather cooperates, we will also spend time conditioning some of the boats (Albacores in particular) in anticipation of warmer weather. Please plan to join us that day! Email me at sailing@wryc.org or jdudley5@triad.rr.com, or call me at (704) 363-0483 if you have any questions.
We’re planning some further dates (April 7 – 9 and April 18 – 21) for seasonal maintenance on Tranquility Base, our keelboat, as well as follow-up work on dinghies if needed. Please stay tuned for updates.
A pre-season note about safety: Sailing, indeed all boating, can be made quite safe, which further contributes to the enjoyment of the activity. However, we must remain aware that there are inherent risks while we’re aboard. There is a balance to be struck between staying safe and enjoying the water, and I welcome everyone’s input to assure both aims are achieved. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about how we might improve safety while on or near the water, please let us know! We want all members and guests to enjoy our equipment and facilities in comfort and safety.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you on or near the water.
-John Dudley, Fleet Captain
CLEAN UP DAY-Building & Grounds
Join me on March 29th at 9:00 for the Annual Spring Building and Grounds work day. Weather permitting we will be working outside, trimming, mulching, etc. and cleaning up the tennis/pickleball courts. We also have a list of inside tasks so if working outside is not your thing there are still ways to participate. Depending on participation there are many other items we could tackle all towards maintaining and improving the building and grounds around the club.
We should be finished around 1:00 and if you sign up prior to March 26, lunch will be provided by Nuttall’s!
Signup is easy, just send me an email at jwoodward214@gmail.com or call me at 804-314-0832.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you on March 29th at 9:00 or later. Please consider participating even if you can only give an hour or two. You may also choose your own date and complete a task (please contact me for a task).
WRYC 2025 Calendar of Events
March 15/16 St. Patrick’s Day Social (Host choice)
March 29 Spring Work Day (You may select a task & complete on another date)
May 3 Flag Raising / Bob James Memorial Regatta
June 23-26 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 1
June 30-July 3 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 2
July 3 Junior Sailing Banquet
July 4/5 Independence Day Social (Host choice)
July 7-10 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 1
July 14-17 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 2
July 17 Junior Sailing Banquet
July 21-24 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 1
July 28-31 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 2
July 31 Junior Sailing Banquet
August 1/2 61st Governor’s Cup & Junior Regattas & Awards
August 30/31 Labor Day Social (Host choice)
TBD Anchor On The Ware
October 11 Oktoberfest / Harry Sindle Memorial Mobjack Bay Regatta
November 8 Oyster Roast
December 6/7 Christmas / Holiday Social (Host choice)
From the Helm
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Annual Meeting, whether that was in person or through proxy vote. It was our first time using the proxy vote since it was approved at the 2024 Annual Meeting. It worked quite well. The items that were voted on were all approved. There was email sent out that summarized the results. I wish to congratulate again the awards recipients this year - Boosters of the Year - Paula & Larry Straupe, James V. Morgan Award - Nancy Dykeman, Sailor of the Year - John Dudley, Junior Sailor of the Year - Mattea Dieken.
If you happen by the club this month, you will see some work being done for erosion remediation. This work is much needed as I’m sure you have noticed recently. The club has reserved a booth at the 2025 Daffodil Festival, and we will be participating in the parade again. Social Chair - Joshua James will be sending out some information on that, so be on the look out if you want to participate. It was a lot of fun last year and I’m sure that it will be again.
On a slightly more serious note, people using the club facilities that are neither members or guests has become a problem. The board is looking to ways to address the issue, but in the meantime, if anyone knows anyone that is doing this, please let them know that the facilities are a benefit of membership.
Let’s have a great 2025!