2024 Calendar of Events

Ware River Yacht Club Calendar for 2024

WRYC Board meets 2nd Tuesday of each Month @ 6:30 pm

August 3/4 60th Governor’s Cup & Junior Regattas & Awards

August 11 Adult Sailing

September 8 Adult Sailing / Labor Day Social HOST NEEDED

September 22 Adult Sailing

October 5 Oktoberfest

October 6 Adult Sailing

October 20 Adult Sailing

November 2 Oyster Roast

November 3 Adult Sailing

December 14/15 Christmas/Holiday Social (Host choice)

From the Helm

We’re already at the Fourth of July! I’ve always been very proud to be from this region around this time of year due to the momentous events that took place within a short distance from the Club. I’m sure you could hear the siege of Yorktown from the dock, if there were a dock in 1781 that is.

On May 6th of 1776, the Virginia House of Burgesses meeting at the Capitol in Williamsburg dissolved itself and reconvened at the Raleigh Tavern as the Fifth Virginia Convention. On May 15th, the members declared that all ties that the British Crown had Virginia were “totally dissolved”. They then instructed Richard Henry Lee to move for independence at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia using the phrase “these colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states!” Of course, six years later, the victory at Yorktown secured that independence.

The whole reason for the holiday mostly happened within just a few miles of the Club. That is your history lesson for this month.

That being said, there is no 4th of July Social this year, socials can only happen with volunteers to your help, and this year there just wasn’t enough interest. There are some important events coming up, most notably is the 50th Virginia Governor’s Cup. There has been a lot of planning and work that has gone into it, come out to show your support on the first weekend in August!

The Board of Directors has updated the House Rules, there are no major changes, mostly just clarifying some language. The updated rules will be sent out shortly. As a reminder, the Board meetings are open to everyone.

I hope everyone has a great 4th, and remember to come out and use the Club, it is yours after all!


July 1 Member Rental, 2 Socials, 1 New Event, Adult Sailing

August Governor’s Cup, 1 Member Rental, 1 Non-member Rental, Adult


September 2 Socials (possibly), 1 Non-member Rental, 1 Non-profit Event,

Adult Sailing

October 1 Social, 3 Non-member Rentals, Adult Sailing

November 1 Social, 1 Non-member Rental, 1 Member Rental, Adult Sailing

December 1 Social

The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................

Now that its summer, we are starting to organize our adult sailing program. John Dudley is helping coordinate this year’s schedule and has sent an email to those folks who have participated in the past. If interested in our adult sailing program, please send me or the club manager an email indicating your specific interest. (Keel boat or dinghy). Based on interest and participation, we will go as many Sundays through September as needed.

As I mentioned last month, I am updating the list of trailers and boats that occupy our storage spaces in the field and am asking any member that has a boat/trailer to please send me an email confirming you have an assigned space and I’ll match those up with my records. I’ve heard from just a few of you so I’m trying this once more in hopes I can get a complete and accurate listing. My email is jgarret1@gmx.com. If there is a trailer or boat without a signed release and no record of the space being assigned and I don’t hear from you, I will assume the boar/trailer is abandoned and it will be removed, so please take a moment to respond.

Lastly, we are still looking for volunteers to help during this year’s Governors Cup Event which will be held August 4th and 5th. We have a need for hospitality help as well as logistics (Grounds). If interested, PLEASE let me know. We will be having a terrific catered dinner on Saturday (with music) and lots of competitive sailing all weekend. Come and join the fun!

Fair seas and steady winds,

Jim Garrett Fleet