Well - it seems to me that the Club had a pretty good month. The Governor’s Cup weekend came off in fine fashion. The weather cooperated - no bad heat - no storms - adequate wind to get races in. Multiple factors contributed to a lower number of boats than in the past. The event was however a great success. Many people volunteered - food preparation - registration - grounds - on water and of course those running the races. Thanks to all of you. Special thanks to Scott and Joe for taking this event on again - spectacular job. Next year will be the 60th - even better.
The Gov Cup dinner was as good an event as ever. The caterer’s presentation was great - as was the food - for the second year in a row. I think this was arranged by Scott - again a great choice! Thanks.
Next up is the Labor Day social. Italian meal with multiple options - should be great. Thanks to the team of Davis/Fenstermacher/Davis for arranging it. At the Gov Cup dinner a proposal was made to have fireworks at this social since they didn’t happen on July 4th. Jane Smith was the instigator. Several people agreed to assist in supporting this - after being voluntold by Jane of the opportunity. The cost is $800. DONATIONS towards this cost will be accepted at the table. Looking forward to a fun evening.
SECOND OF SIX: Please plan to attend the annual meeting in January. There are significant facility and budgetary issues to be addressed in addition to changes in the bylaws.
We had in the past mentioned a repeat of the Spring wine event. At this time it has been penciled in for the Friday after Halloween.
Quiz of the month - easiest one yet: who said “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’.” Also “Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other”.
Bob Davis, Commodore
As June winds down we have been thankful for temperatures much lower than a year ago. Hopefully we won’t pay for this with high temps and storms during the rest of the summer. Other parts of the country have had more than enough heat.
The early story is that the Junior Sailing Program is again off and running in fine fashion. Fully enrolled - all participants having a great time. Many thanks again to Bill Brown for his efforts in organization and to Jim Garrett and sailors for all of the efforts in fleet maintenance. Great job.
Adult sailing is also looking at a successful season. A large number of people have signed up to participate. Excellent reviews from last year. A number of people have volunteered a huge amount to get this going - in maintenance and in time spent instructing. Thanks to all of them. This program has become a strong drawing point.
Thanks again to Scott Titus for spearheading the Governor’s Cup event. It takes time and talent to be able to pull this event off. He needs support from many Club members in all different capacities - so sign up to help! Hopefully this will continue to grow from the Covid years.
The negative at this point is our inability to pull off the July 4th social event. This is particularly sad because of the fantastic event that was held last year. The Board will continue to work towards making these events feasible. As in the past - suggestions are quite welcome.
Quiz of the month - remaining in a sports mode: who said: “All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height.” and “Never make predictions, especially about the future.”
Bob Davis, Commodore
Time marches on and the formal opening for 2023 is upon us. Many thanks to Josh James for stepping up to lead this venture. There will be the usual ceremony followed by dinner from Creekside Cafe. We are anticipating fun with the annual Derby event - with the suspense tempered by excellent mint juleps. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Congratulations to the “Jim” team - Woodward and Garrett who organized the annual work day. Club building/grounds and boat issues were addressed by a sizable number who showed up on a very windy day. Thanks to all!
The first wine tasting - held in collaboration with Nuttall Country Store was a remarkable success. It was very well attended. Food from Chef Win was excellent. A good time was had by all. I finally turned the lights off at the end to encourage departures. Many have asked about a repeat including suggestions that it be held monthly. That isn’t happening - but stay tuned - a repeat will happen - perhaps in the fall.
As a negative - this paragraph is your early warning system. The Board has been working to address issues with the bulkhead directly in front of the Club building. Take time to look at it at Flag Raising. More to come.
We would like to continue with activities in addition to the usual socials. Some ideas have come forth - if you have any thoughts - don’t hesitate to speak up.
VOLUNTEER for socials.
Quiz of the month:who said: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”?
Bob Davis - Commodore
From The Helm
Just last month we were writing about winter changing - with some high temps. Now our vehicles are turning yellow - it heralds the arrival of spring-summer activities at the Club. Hopefully you were able to attend the work day - contributing to the Club and enjoying a free lunch from the famous 5 star Nuttall Store Ware Neck location. All efforts are appreciated.
Some change has happened. Mark Holthaus has resigned from the Board. Too many obligations with too little time. We wish him well in his other endeavors and hope to see him at the Club. Layne is handling Membership issues at this time. Jay McGlohn has rejoined the Board. Former commodore and long time frequent contributor to Club activities. We thank him for stepping up.
Thanks again to Jane, Kirby, Scott and Vetta for all their efforts on the St Patrick’s social. It was well attended, the food was great, and a fine time was had by all even in the absence of green beer.
As of the time of this writing the first Wine Tasting will soon be coming up. Plans came together nicely. Hopefully to be well attended. This is a collaborative effort with Nuttal Store which we hope will also become a tradition. Suggestions for it are quite welcome.
Quiz of the Month: who said “Only Irish Coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat”?
Bob Davis, Commodore
From The Helm
As the Yacht Club winter marches on - there is irony in that it was just 80 degrees out and now winter seems back. Not sure what that means for our spring.
Yacht Club winter usually means 2 things - Valentines Day and St. Patricks day. Our thanks to Autumn for handling the Valentines event which went well and early thanks to the team of Jane Smith, Scott Titus and Vetta for taking on the St. Patricks event. The challenge is out for all with Irish in them and all the rest who wish they had Irish in them - all are welcome.
WINE TASTING. A new event is coming to the Club. In conjunction with Nuttall Country Store the next Ware Neck wine tasting will be held at the Yacht Club - currently scheduled for Friday 3/31. The format of the event will change from previous events at the Store particularly to comply with ABC regulations. Details are being worked out and will be sent out prior to the 31st. Looking forward to a fun time.
We hope that other events can be added to the schedule also. Suggestions are always welcome.
Quiz of the month: who said - “We could certainly slow the aging process if it had to work its way through congress”?
Bob Davis, Commodore
The annual meeting was held on a day when a few snowflakes were seen in Ware Neck. Business proceeded without difficulty - starting with the approval of a budget for 2023. Hopefully there will be no new surprises in this area this year.
Nominations for the Board were approved: Harry Taylor- Vice Commodore; Autumn Taylor- Social; Jim Garrett - Fleet; Steve Humphreys - Treasurer; Mark Holthaus - Membership; Jim Woodward - Buildings and Grounds; Allysa Adams - Secretary; Bill Brown - at large; Sharon McGlohn - at large; and Bob Davis - Commodore. Thanks were expressed to those Board members who have ended their terms of service - Jane Wilson, Beve Hermanson, and gary Hermanson. Layne was recognized for her immense contributions - couldn’t do it without her!
Annual awards were given.Junior Sailor of the Year - Paul Williams. Sailor of the Year - Allysa Adams. Booster of the Year - Mike Mastracci. Wesley C. Morck Award - contributions to sailing on the Chesapeake Bay - Barney Harris. A gracious letter of thanks from Barney was read. James V. Morgan Award - citizenship in the community - Neal Steele - morning host on local radio. This award was announced at the annual meeting and then presented to him in person live on the radio the following Tuesday. He expressed great appreciation for it.
Harvey and Joe Morgan entertained with background information on Jimmy Morgan’s many contributions to the Gloucester community.
We look forward to a great year - hopefully with some new events in addition to the usual ones. Stay tuned.
Quiz of the month - What well known beverage is named for a blind monk who died in 1715?
Bob Davis, Commodore