Time marches on and the formal opening for 2023 is upon us. Many thanks to Josh James for stepping up to lead this venture. There will be the usual ceremony followed by dinner from Creekside Cafe. We are anticipating fun with the annual Derby event - with the suspense tempered by excellent mint juleps. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Congratulations to the “Jim” team - Woodward and Garrett who organized the annual work day. Club building/grounds and boat issues were addressed by a sizable number who showed up on a very windy day. Thanks to all!

The first wine tasting - held in collaboration with Nuttall Country Store was a remarkable success. It was very well attended. Food from Chef Win was excellent. A good time was had by all. I finally turned the lights off at the end to encourage departures. Many have asked about a repeat including suggestions that it be held monthly. That isn’t happening - but stay tuned - a repeat will happen - perhaps in the fall.

As a negative - this paragraph is your early warning system. The Board has been working to address issues with the bulkhead directly in front of the Club building. Take time to look at it at Flag Raising. More to come.

We would like to continue with activities in addition to the usual socials. Some ideas have come forth - if you have any thoughts - don’t hesitate to speak up.

VOLUNTEER for socials.

Quiz of the month:who said: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”?

Bob Davis - Commodore


Cruise Ships Coming To Yorktown


The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................