Well - it seems to me that the Club had a pretty good month. The Governor’s Cup weekend came off in fine fashion. The weather cooperated - no bad heat - no storms - adequate wind to get races in. Multiple factors contributed to a lower number of boats than in the past. The event was however a great success. Many people volunteered - food preparation - registration - grounds - on water and of course those running the races. Thanks to all of you. Special thanks to Scott and Joe for taking this event on again - spectacular job. Next year will be the 60th - even better.
The Gov Cup dinner was as good an event as ever. The caterer’s presentation was great - as was the food - for the second year in a row. I think this was arranged by Scott - again a great choice! Thanks.
Next up is the Labor Day social. Italian meal with multiple options - should be great. Thanks to the team of Davis/Fenstermacher/Davis for arranging it. At the Gov Cup dinner a proposal was made to have fireworks at this social since they didn’t happen on July 4th. Jane Smith was the instigator. Several people agreed to assist in supporting this - after being voluntold by Jane of the opportunity. The cost is $800. DONATIONS towards this cost will be accepted at the table. Looking forward to a fun evening.
SECOND OF SIX: Please plan to attend the annual meeting in January. There are significant facility and budgetary issues to be addressed in addition to changes in the bylaws.
We had in the past mentioned a repeat of the Spring wine event. At this time it has been penciled in for the Friday after Halloween.
Quiz of the month - easiest one yet: who said “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’.” Also “Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other”.
Bob Davis, Commodore