The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt............

It’s a wrap! The 59th Annual Governors Cup Regatta was a great success once again thanks to so many Club member volunteers who ALWAYS step up when it counts. I would love to mention all the folks that provided their personal support and expertise, from shirt design, racecourse management, food prep, trophies, logistics, safety and mark boats etc. but there isn’t enough room on this page. This year’s Chair, Scott Titus, will provide a separate write up, I’m sure. Congratulations to the Hampton One Design Class for taking home the Cup this year, and thanks to all who participated. I’m also happy to report that Ware River had quite a few participants in the Laser, Opti and Albacore Class this year!!

Adult sailing continues to show strong participation and we consistently have a number of new(er) sailors joining us each Sunday we have class. We’ve had several new inquiries from folks looking for instruction again this month and these more often than not tun into new members! A special shout out to John Dudley who has moved from student to assistant instructor! John has taken out a few groups on Wagtail and has gotten quite adept at handling her. We will continue to offer these classes through October.

And of course, what would the Scuttlebutt report be without the nautical phrase of the month. This month’s phrase is “Pipe down”. Of course, we know it to mean to be quiet or stop talking. The phrase originates from 18th century when the ships Boatswain mate’s whistle or pipe, was used to summon the crew or relay orders. A crew would be "piped" to a meal, for example. To dismiss a crew, the boatswain's pipe is sounded and the command “pipe down” is given. Because it got much quieter after the dismissal, the command became associated with quieting down or making less noise. Until next time!

Fair winds and trailing seas,

Jim Garrett - Fleet




Break out your Lederhosen!