/We would like to welcome our newest members to WRYC.
Harry Taylor & Autumn Pittman
Harry was in the Jr. sailing program as a child, during the time his grandfather, Robert Farrell, was a member.
Chris Smith, Ryan Babarsky and their daughter, Linnea
Chris is a contributing host for Bonnie Boat Sailing Podcast. He looks forward to the Sunday Racing Series and is excited to share his passion for sailing with friends and family.
Johnathan West and Karla Oliver
Johnathan and Karla are avid sailors and both are actively involved with the York River Yacht Club Racing Program.
Lastly, we would like to thank Jonathan and Erin Matthews, Joe Morgan and Mike Mastracci for sponsoring our newest members AND ushering in the next generation of sailors to the WRYC.
Beve Hermanson
Membership Chair