Layne Brown Layne Brown


It is with great pleasure we welcome Brian Fitch from Richmond, VA. He is eager to become involved with WRYC through Building & Grounds, Fleet Maintenance and Adult Sailing and Sailing lessons. We look forward to meeting him at our next event.

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Layne Brown Layne Brown


It is with great pleasure we welcome Terry and Jenn Sims, II from Hayes, VA and their three children, Madison, Corbin and Winston. They are eager to become involved with WRYC through Socials, Building & Grounds, Fleet Maintenance and Kids Activities. We look forward to meeting them at our next event.

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Layne Brown Layne Brown


Please welcome Kevin and Jamie Gormley and their children Finnegan and Kieran. They reside in Norfolk and look forward to participating in our sailing programs, socials and fleet maintenance.

Next welcome Edward Ould and his children Hays, Miriam and Teddy. They reside full time in Richmond and also look forward to participating in our fleet and grounds maintenance.

Lastly, please welcome Brian and Lynn Campbell. They also reside full time in Richmond and look forward to participating in social planning, grounds maintenance marketing and communication.

We look forward to meeting all of these families at a WRYC social soon!

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Please welcome Priscilla Cash and her children Alexander and Catherine Wiggins. They reside full time in Richmond and look forward to participating in our sailing programs and socials. We look forward to meeting them at a WRYC social soon!

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Welcome to the Club!

We are wrapping up 2022 with the addition of three new families to WRYC.

Dean & Caroline Kigans of Richmond and their two sons; Trip and Parker. Dean has been a life-long visitor to Ware Neck - his grandmother has lived here her entire life!

Rob & Julie Childress of Gloucester and a referral from Jim & Cheryl Woodward.

Matthew & Samantha Preddy of Richmond and their three children (current and future JR Sailors); Brooke, Jimmy and Liam. The Preddy’s also have family ties to Ware Neck.

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We would like to welcome Dale Neal & Janet Smith of Richmond.

They did a drive-by a few weeks ago and were able to meet several members and take a quick tour of the Club.

We look forward to welcoming them in person at the Oyster Roast!

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