Commodore Letter - Annual Meeting recap, Thank you Steve!
/I want to start out by thanking all of the Club members who attended our Annual Meeting on January 11th. It was a great opportunity to fellowship with other Club members, discuss Club business and enjoy a delicious taco dinner prepared by renowned taco chefs and Board Members, Bill & Dave Brown. As a member driven Club this is your opportunity to have your voice heard, vote in new Board Members, approve the proposed budget, congratulate Club Award Recipients and enjoy each others company.
This being my first correspondence as your Commodore, I would like to take a moment to thank outgoing Commodore, Steve Hanson, for his leadership of the Club these last couple of years. To use a little sailing lingo, Steve has a very “even keel” and I think we can all agree that the Club has prospered under his leadership. While extolling the virtues of our illustrious outgoing Commodore, I would be remiss if I didn't mention his fine writing skills. I am learning this as I write this month’s announcement, that it is not as easy as it reads. Please bear with me as I hone my skills.
In conclusion, I would like to thank the Club for its vote of confidence in me to lead us into the next couple years. I look forward to my term as Commodore and am excited about the plans we are developing for the “Next 50”. As mentioned at the Annual Meeting we will be gathering a Committee to spear head efforts for the Club’s 50th Anniversary and discuss strategies for keeping the Club we love so much thriving over the next half century.
Jonathan Matthews, Commodore