Taco Extravaganza, ABC License Update

January 11th the WRYC had their Annual meeting with 57 people in attendance. A Taco extravaganza was hosted by the Board/specifically Dave Brown and extended family members doing the lion share of the preparations.
Upon entering, every family unit received the Club’s Annual Report. Any additions or corrections to the report were asked for; the budget reviewed and passed; and awards presented.

One item that was brought up was no longer selling beer and wine. Monthly ABC lic. costs $85. It seems that many people already BYOB, so we are going to offer sodas, mixers and water. If we find that we need to have the lic after all, we will go back to our previous procedure.

Now I am progressing into the future to let you know that the Valentine Brunch will be held on Feb. 16th beginning at 12:30 PM. A formal invitation will be included in this issue. I want to stress to the members that we need to be more prompt with our RSVP’s. Whether the event is catered or done by a member group, they have to know how many to shop for. Please keep this in mind.

A calendar of events as well as the membership list were in the Annual Report booklet, so if you were not in attendance or didn’t get one, please let a board member or Layne Brown know. We will have some at the door for the February meeting.

Social Chair/co-chair, Alice Bredin-Karny/Jane Smith

WRYC Valentines Day Brunch Invite - 2020.PNG