The club has been very busy getting ready for the 60th Virginia Governor’s Cup. Special thanks to Jim Garrett, Scott Titus, and Joe Morgan for getting the regatta together. There are a lot of people working behind the scenes as well getting the meals sorted, programs made, and getting the grounds ready, they have all been amazing!
The Board looked over the House Rules and decided to make some minor changes. The updated rules have been sent out. These updates clarify existing rules. One of the updates was to answer the frequently asked question of whether members have access to the club during rentals. The short answer is yes, you are free to use the ramp, dock, and access the boats. However, be respectful of the renters and let their special day go off without a hitch.
There are some upcoming events including Labor Day, details about that will be sent out by the social chair. The Oktoberfest is in the planning phase as well. Mark your calendars for October 5 and invite your friends. Rene and Marcus are making a special trip from Germany again this year to put it on for us.
The socials are always a fun time, but remember they can only happen with your help! If you would like to get involved with socials, let Autumn know at
Please go use and enjoy the club!