Membership Corner

Welcome New Members!

Jack Denious is our newest Junior member. Jack is part of the Farinholt family and grew up coming to the club / attending junior sailing. He is also cousins with the Wilson family (Jane and Charles). Jack resides in Manhattan and visits family in Richmond quite often.


At the last board meeting it was suggested to combine the Social and Membership Committees into one larger committee with two co-chairs and a committee of 3-5. This is a work in progress, but having extra hands will ensure efficiency with planning and executing socials for current members while incorporating creative ways to attract new members through events. If you are interested in being part of the committee please email

Active, engaged members are what keep our club attractive and relevant! Invite a friend to a social or refer them to the website to learn more about our club. Your support is appreciated in spreading the word about WRYC and our community. Should you have questions, ideas, or want to volunteer with membership opportunities please reach out to Josh at