From the Commodore
Hard to believe that it happened again. Earlier this year I described an event in glowing sports terms - again it happened. The annual Oyster Roast was a smashing success - another “walk off homer in the bottom of the ninth”! Thanks to Will and Tish Grant’s family for all their efforts. Garretts, Hermansons, and Holtquists - as well as others - were guilty of contributing to the success. The oysters were great. Historical thanks to Ben Garrett for passing the chowder recipe on to Jim. Some of the biggest baddest hot dogs served in Ware Neck. If you want them they can be found at Nuttall’s Store. If that sounds like an unsolicited promo for the store - you’re correct - it is. I was amazed to look at my watch after 8 o’clock - a time when usually 75% of attendees are gone - and found the club still to be full of people having a great time. Mostly thanks to all who attended - seems strange to thank people for having a fun time - but there it is.
Next up is a resurrection of an old Club tradition - Christmas party. After we joined - I remember it being held this way many times. With a little effort from many people to bring dishes a fine meal was available. Fun way to celebrate. Christmas garb!
Don’t forget the annual meeting coming along in January. Expect a strong push for volunteers in the social arena. We need to get away from the same people stepping up to work. New blood!!!
Monthly “who said it quiz”: What football coach - faced with a major injury in his starting lineup said: “we’ll just use one of the Italian boys”?
See you at the Club.
Bob Davis