Commodore Ramblings
The end of the year approaches - only a couple of events are left. Unfortunately Oktoberfest did not fly - finally done in by the weather. As always we thank everyone - particularly Shanna and Pat for stepping up to be the organizers. Perhaps next year.
Thanksgiving time is upon us. Despite the many woes in the world - the Club has much to be thankful for. Club activities have rebounded - and sometimes exceeded - pre-Covid levels. Membership is up. There have been significant upgrades to the facility - with more needs identified. I personally am quite thankful for the continued efforts of the Board members - fantastic job. And - most importantly - very thankful that no major storms came to visit!
In the traditions of WRYC - the Oyster Roast ranks at the top. Members have stepped up with extensive plans to again make this a successful event. We encourage everyone to join in - should be a fine event!
“Who said it?” quiz of the month: “We know that he has, more than any other man, the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thought”.
See you on the 12th.
Bob Davis
Acting Commodore