Evolving Fleet
/The fleet committee continues to work toward the goal of providing a right sized fleet, capable of meeting the needs of the membership while optimizing the budget. In other words, we have explored numerous options for spending WRYC funds appropriately. We have also had several long and hard conversations over the right size of the keel boat fleet. First of all, when I say “fleet committee”, I am referring to a group of sailors who have expressed interest in working on and sailing the WRYC fleet. We are always open to new input (both in ideas and physical effort); please contact me if you are interested in joining the team. After much consideration, and deep exploration of many options, the team determined that two keel boats is the current right answer for size. The question now becomes, how much money do we spend on existing boats considering their age and value. Again, many, many options were discussed. The group determined that WAGTAIL should be maintained and we should explore the option to install an inboard diesel engine. The other obvious conclusion that was reached was that SNAGGLEPUSS should be sold or donated. If anyone is in the market for an affordable Catalina 27 Tall Rig, please let me know. A more difficult conversation involved what to do with GABRIEL (a.k.a. GABI). If you have been following the story of GABI, you will know that t here have been a litany of propulsion problems that were not immediately apparent upon our purchase of the boat. The further we go in repairs, the more we uncover. At some point, very soon, we will have to make the decision to divest the boat and spend our resources on a boat that is more reasonably repairable. Please rest assured that the fleet committee takes these decisions very seriously and addresses every conceivable option before making a decision. The conversations are much more involved than I can do justice to in this article. Again, if you are interested, please contact me.
On another note, the club received the donation of a Scout 175 bowrider with trailer. The boat will be sold, with proceeds going to the Junior Sailing Program and purchase of a skiff that better suits the sailboat racing program. If anyone is interested in the Scout, please contact me or Clayton James. If we have no takers from the club, we will list the boat for sale, but we wanted to give the membership first go. It appears to be a solid little boat on a good trailer. The boat will be sold “as-is/where-is”.
Finally, if you have been around the club lately you will have noticed a cable across the boat ramp. The cable was placed due to several instances of non-members launching at the club. Concerned for liability, the board approved placing the cable. The intent is not to limit access to club members. The combination is the same as the one for the keel boats. If you don’t know what that number is, please call me or any of the other board members. Please understand we are only trying to protect the club, not limit access to membership. I apologize to anyone who was inconvenienced. Communication is challenging for a body that does not meet in whole on a regular basis.
See you on the water,
Scott Titus
Fleet Captain