The Next 50 Years


The year is finally winding down.  We had a fantastic Oyster Roast thanks to our hosts, the Grant Family, and a great group of volunteers including Beve and Gary Hermanson, and the entire Morgan clan who helped move the grill (Joe is leading the committee to figure out a better way to move the grill top next year to avoid scorching hands).  We have one final event in 2019 as we ring in the New Year so get your reservations in soon.

With the end of the year, my time as Commodore will end too.  Lorna and I deeply appreciate the warmth and friendship that WRYC members have shown us since moving here in 2014, and I particularly appreciate the help I have had from so many of you in my two years as Commodore.  I am particularly grateful for our fantastic Board who made my job easy by coordinating club activities and ensuring our facilities were in fantastic shape.  I would like to thank Ginger and Clayton James for their outstanding coordination of Summer Sailing camp and the Governor’s Cup, both huge undertakings and key programs for outreach to the community.  In addition, my special thanks to a group of talented and energetic sailors who have reinvigorated our adult sailing programs - Jim Garrett, Joe Morgan, and Scott Titus (and a honorable mention to Tom Bernard for his weekly Albacore coaching).  Their efforts have been key in fulfilling WRYC’s core mission of bringing Corinthian racing to the community.  Finally, my thanks to Layne Brown for managing our rentals, a critical source of funds for the club, and our bookkeeper, Shannon French, for ensuring we keep track of spending and budget appropriately.  We owe all these volunteers (and others) for ensuring WRYC continues to be a source of fun and enjoyment for all.

As we look to the future, the Board has started to discuss a key anniversary that will be upon us before we know it.  Specifically, 2021 will mark WRYC’s 50th anniversary.  In our last Board Meeting we began to discuss “what is next” and “how should WRYC shape itself for the next 50 years?”  As we enter 2020, we want to use the year to start planning for our Golden Anniversary, and more important, establish the “Next 50” initiative to start thinking about where the Club should be in another 50 years.  We are looking for volunteers.  We are looking for ideas.  Be ready to discuss this in the January Membership meeting!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.I hope to see all (or at least many of you) at the New Year’s Eve event.Once again, thank you all for the honor of serving as Commodore.And I will certainly want to be part of “The Next 50” project and helping to ensure WRYC keeps bringing people to the joys of boating and sailing into the future.


Help Wanted!


The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls