Jim Garrett Jim Garrett

The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................

Now that its summer, we are starting to organize our adult sailing program. John Dudley is helping coordinate this year’s schedule and has sent an email to those folks who have participated in the past. If interested in our adult sailing program, please send me or the club manager an email indicating your specific interest. (Keel boat or dinghy). Based on interest and participation, we will go as many Sundays through September as needed.

As I mentioned last month, I am updating the list of trailers and boats that occupy our storage spaces in the field and am asking any member that has a boat/trailer to please send me an email confirming you have an assigned space and I’ll match those up with my records. I’ve heard from just a few of you so I’m trying this once more in hopes I can get a complete and accurate listing. My email is jgarret1@gmx.com. If there is a trailer or boat without a signed release and no record of the space being assigned and I don’t hear from you, I will assume the boar/trailer is abandoned and it will be removed, so please take a moment to respond.

Lastly, we are still looking for volunteers to help during this year’s Governors Cup Event which will be held August 4th and 5th. We have a need for hospitality help as well as logistics (Grounds). If interested, PLEASE let me know. We will be having a terrific catered dinner on Saturday (with music) and lots of competitive sailing all weekend. Come and join the fun!

Fair seas and steady winds,

Jim Garrett Fleet

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Layne Brown Layne Brown

Lost & Found

Does anyone claim the sails, tiller, etc in the photo below?  The items were left in the storage room off the Men's bathroom in the bathhouse. If it belongs to you or you know who it belongs to, please contact me at 804-314-0832 or jwoodward214@gmail.com

Thank you, Jim Woodward, Buildings & Grounds

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Layne Brown Layne Brown

Calendar of Events

Ware River Yacht Club Calendar for 2024

WRYC Board meets 2nd Tuesday of each Month @ 6:30 pm

July 1-3 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 2

July 8-11 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 1

July 14 Pickleball / Adult Saiing

July 15-18 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 2

July 22-25 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 1

July 27 Summer Soiree

July 28 Adult Sailing

July 29-Aug 1 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 2

August 2/3 60th Governor’s Cup & Junior Regattas & Awards

August 11 Adult Sailing

September 8 Adult Sailing / Labor Day Social HOST NEEDED

September 21 Anchor on The Ware ????

September 22 Adult Sailing

October 5 Oktoberfest

October 6 Adult Sailing

October 20 Adult Sailing

November 2 Oyster Roast

November 3 Adult Sailing

December 14/15 Christmas/Holiday Social (Host choice)

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Layne Brown Layne Brown

Calendar of Events

Ware River Yacht Club Calendar for 2024

WRYC Board meets 2nd Tuesday of each Month @ 6:30 pm

July 1-3 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 2

July 8-11 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 1

July 15-18 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 2

July 22-25 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 1

July 29-Aug 1 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 2

July 27 Summer Soiree

August 2/3 60th Governor’s Cup & Junior Regattas & Awards

September 8 Labor Day Social HOST NEEDED

September 21 Anchor on The Ware ????

October 5 Oktoberfest

November 2 Oyster Roast

December 14/15 Christmas/Holiday Social (Host choice)

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Harry Taylor Harry Taylor

From the Helm

June is finally here and the cold weather is behind us. May was a busy month, Flag Raising was a good time, those that weren’t able to make it really missed out, so pencil it in for next year now! There was also a Trivia Night that was held that was put on by Josh James, Membership Chair. We are connecting with Mathews Yacht Club to make Trivia a regular thing. MYC will be hosting Trivia on June 13th, more information about that will be sent out soon.

Junior Sailing starts on Monday, June 24, and runs during the week through August 1st.

The Governor’s Cup is coming up quickly, Jim Garrett, Fleet Captain, has been hard at work and has some exciting things in the works for it. Come out and show your support on the first weekend in August!

There are some plans for socials coming up, there is some talk of bringing back Anchor on the Ware this year, and we have already started planning for Oktoberfest. As a reminder, the socials are only possible when members volunteer to host them. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Autumn Taylor, Social Chair!

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Jim Garrett Jim Garrett

The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................

Is it summer yet? Now that we have our keel boat TB back home and most of the fleet ready for the start of the sailing season all seems right in the world. Next, will be the scurrying of young sailors around the grounds and the start of sailing camp. We have three (3) skiffs ready for this year’s season as well and a big thank you to Kirk Lindsey for bottom painting our Carolina skiff.

I am also working on updating the list of trailers and boats that occupy our storage spaces in the field and am asking any member that has a boat/trailer to please send me an email confirming you have an assigned space and I’ll match those up with my records. My email is jgarret1@gmx.com. If there is a trailer or boat without a signed release and no record of the space being assigned and I don’t hear from you, I will assume the boar/trailer is abandoned and it will be removed, so please take a moment to respond.

Lastly, we have what’s is shaping up to be an epic Governors Cup (including several political dignitaries from our state Government) who will be in attendance. One change for this year’s event will be the addition of an event program. Included in that will be the sale of advertising space. The committee has settled on three levels: An Admirals Ad = a full page for $100, a Captains Ad = 1/2 page for $50, and a Commanders Ad = 1/4 page for $25. We will be soliciting these from Gloucester business as well. If interested, please let me know. Thats all for now!

Calm seas and steady winds, Jim Garrett - Fleet

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