Building and Grounds Update

We held our annual cleanup day on March the 30th. THANK YOU to all of the volunteers, about 17 members, that came out Saturday morning to help. We accomplished a lot and your assistance and work is very much appreciated.

While we accomplished everything I had planned for the day and then some, there is always more to do. If you are interested in helping maintain and improve our grounds and facility please send me an email (

Again, thank you to everyone that devoted their Saturday morning to maintaining and improving the Ware River Yacht Club buildings and grounds. Your time and efforts are very much appreciated.

Daffodils and Flag Raising

Spring is already here, which makes me very happy! Upcoming for socials, we have Flag Raising, hosted by our very own Ginger and Clayton James! This event marks the opening of the sailing season, complete with a cannon, sock burning, champagne, and a tasty meal. Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4th!

WRYC will be represented at the Daffodil Festival this year, with a decorated Albacore in the parade and an information booth to boost membership! WRYC will have membership applications on hand, and will be offering $100 off full membership and $50 off Junior memberships for festival goers who sign up within two weeks after the Festival. Additionally, there will be a raffle for 5 winners to attend a WRYC social! Hopefully this will bring in some new members, and get information for those who are interested in our Club. At minimum, this Daffodil Festival exposure for WRYC will inform the community better of our Club.

We always need volunteers, so if you are interested in helping out at the Daffodil Festival booth, or for Flag Raising, please reach out!

WRYC Social Calendar 2024

Ware River Yacht Club Calendar for 2024

WRYC Board meets 2nd Tuesday of each Month @ 6:30 pm

April 6/7 Daffodil Parade & Festival

May 4 Flag Raising/Derby Day

June 24-28 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 1

June 29/30 Independence Day Social (Host choice)

July 1-3 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 2

July 8-11 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 1

July 15-18 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 2

July 22-25 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 1

July 29-Aug 1 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 2

August 2/3 60th Governor’s Cup & Junior Regattas & Awards

September 7/8 Labor Day Social (Host choice)

October 5 Oktoberfest

November 2 Oyster Roast

December 14/15 Christmas/Holiday Social (Host choice)

Spring is Coming!

Now that we have made it through the longest February in four years, it’s finally March, which means Spring starts on the 19th! This Spring is taking shape with Work Day coming up, WRYC participating in the Daffodil Festival, the Ware Academy raffle that Joshua James has been working on, and Jane Smith hosting the Saint Patrick’s Day social. There’s something for everyone to get involved with.

At the February Board of Directors meeting, the Board voted to bring on Scott Titus as Vice Commodore. There was a question brought up about why does the Board vote to add a member, if the membership just voted on a Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. This is a perfectly valid question. The reason behind it, is that I was Vice Commodore before being voted in as Commodore. This left the office of Vice Commodore unexpired but vacant, which the By-Laws dictates that the Board would fill that position. We are excited to have Scott as Vice and look forward to working with him!

2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the Governor’s Cup. Scott Titus and Jim Garret have been working to get that in motion and make it extra special this year. I strongly encourage everyone to take part.

The Board meets on the second Tuesday of the Month at 6:30, members are always welcome to attend!

The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................

Now that February (the longest month with the shortest number of days) is behind us, we can plan for our spring opening and fleet readiness. Both of our Keel boats are at Holiday Marina in Hayes near Bena and will need their hulls sanded and painted for the season. For Wagtail, I’ve begun repairing some of the deteriorated wood and plan to refinish the cabin slats, tiller handle and replace the cockpit locker boards which have rotted. I will be looking for volunteers to assist sometime in late March early April. For our 30’ Islander Tranquility Base, there isn’t much to do other than a coat of paint, putting on some prop speed, a new zinc and checking over the systems.

The spring workday at the club will center around checking over the Lasers and Opti’s, dollies and chase skiffs so they will be ready when our Jr. Sailing program starts. Don’t worry if you have never worked on small boats before as there are plenty of us who have and can direct you on what to do. It’s also a GREAT way to learn about basic sailboat rigging. This year’s club Fleet workday will be Saturday March 30th starting at 9:30. Weather permitting, we will be working outside checking over all the club sailboats, skiffs and dollies to make sure they are in good repair and ready for the season. We’ll also be checking out sails, spars and blades in the loft and making any necessary repairs. Depending on participation there are many other items we could tackle such as engine oil changes and possibly painting the Carolina skiff’s bottom. Tools will be provided but please feel free to bring basic items like screwdrivers, wrenches, etc.

We should be finished between 1:00 and 2:00 PM and if you sign up prior to March 27, lunch will be provided by Nuttall’s! Signup is easy, just send an email to or call me at 757-349-5980.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on March 30th at 9:30. I hope you will consider helping ………. we cannot operate the Club without our member volunteers.

Fair winds and steady seas,

Jim Garrett, Fleet

Spring Building and Grounds Work Day

Join me on March 30th at 9:30 for the Annual Building and Grounds work day.  Weather permitting we will be working outside, trimming, mulching, etc. and repairing the screen porch and walkway to the front door.  Depending on participation there are many other items we could tackle all towards maintaining and improving the grounds around the club. If inside tasks are more your thing we have those as well.

We should be finished around 1:00 and if you sign up prior to March 27, lunch will be provided by Nuttalls!

Signup is easy, just send me an email at or call me at 804-314-0832.

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you on March 30th at 9:30.