2024 Social Calendar

Ware River Yacht Club Calendar for 2024

WRYC Board meets 2nd Tuesday of each Month

February 18 Valentine’s Day Social

March 16/17 St. Patrick’s Day Social (Host choice)

March 30 Spring Work Day

May 4 Flag Raising/Derby Day

June 24-28 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 1

June 29/30 Independence Day Social (Host choice)

July 1-3 Junior Sailing Session 1 Week 2

July 8-11 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 1

July 15-18 Junior Sailing Session 2 Week 2

July 22-25 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 1

July 29-Aug 1 Junior Sailing Session 3 Week 2

August 2/3 60th Governor’s Cup & Junior Regattas & Awards

September 7/8 Labor Day Social (Host choice)

October 5 Oktoberfest

November 9 Oyster Roast

December 14 Christmas/Holiday Social


Thank you to everyone that volunteered their time and effort in 2023 for socials. They truly cannot happen without you! Start thinking about what you might want to volunteer for in 2024 to make it a year to remember. A list will be available at the Annual Meeting of proposed events for the new year.

I know that some people might be intimidated by hosting an event, however, it isn’t as complicated as you might think. The club covers the cost, there are volunteers to help with set up, serving, and clean up. If you have any interest in hosting an event, please get in touch with me at bariautumn@gmail.com or 240-520-2109. For our newer members, it is a great way to get to know people and the club.


At the last writing we were ready to have the second edition of the collaborative effort with Nuttall’s store - a wine/beer event. Deanna - as usual - was wonderful to work with. As predicted we had fine beverages - great food - and spectacular music from “Something Different”. It turned out to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Thanks to all who helped pull it off.

A point of interest - there was an application to the VMRC to establish oyster grounds in the Ware River adjacent to the Yacht Club. This was officially opposed by the Club and opposed individually by BOD members. The application was denied.

The Board has made efforts to spread information to members of the Club about the need for a dues increase. This will need to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in January. Please plan to attend.

The Board has also been concerned that in some extraordinary circumstances - such as a dues increase - that an ability to cast a vote should be made available to members who are not able to physically attend the meeting. Amended bylaws will be presented to the Annual Meeting and if approved will provide a mechanism for electronic voting. Specific details will be sent out prior to the meeting. As always - questions are welcome.

I hope evertone has had a wonderful Christmas Holiday season - wishing all a Happy New Year! Hope to see you in January.

Final Quiz of the Month. Who said - concerning a prominent American politician: “not like Teddy Roosevelt - his motto seems to be - talk big and carry a twig” ?

Bob Davis, Commodore 804-725-8791