Well - it happened again. Good weather, great food, and then fireworks. The labor Day social was a winner. People commented that they could not remember a spaghetti dinner at the Club in the past. The presentation was attractive, choices plentiful, and tasted great. Thanks to Nick’s Spaghetti and Steakhouse for their efforts. Thanks again to the Davis/Fenstermacher/Davis team for hosting.

Jane Smith was true to her word and was able to organize the fireworks. Thank you for your efforts. Bill Fenstermacher and Jay McGlohn ran the show which was remarkable - far more extensive than expected and enjoyed by all.

Next up is Oktoberfest. Harry and Autumn have been planning this event for some time - I expect it will be a lot of fun. Great food as advertised on the menu. Plan to attend and have another fun evening.

Third out of six: Please plan to attend the Annual Meeting in January. Facility and budgetary issues need to be addressed. We will attempt to provide information before the meeting so that all are aware.

Monthly Quiz-who said - still in the sports arena: “The only place success comes before work is the dictionary.” “Defeat is worse than death, because you need to live with defeat.”

Bob Davis, Commodore

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Autumn Taylor Autumn Taylor

Lederhosen and Bivalves

What do these two things have in common? Both are upcoming socials!

For those that RSVPd, we will see you at Oktoberfest! Don’t forget your lederhosen and strong arm.

Mark your calendars for the annual Oyster Roast on Saturday, November 11. Invitation to follow!

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Layne Brown Layne Brown

Upcoming Events

October 7, Saturday Oktoberfest

November 11, Saturday Oyster Roast

December 9, Saturday Holiday Social

January 20, Saturday IMPORTANT Annual Meeting *NEW DATE*

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Autumn Taylor Autumn Taylor

Flag Raising, Derby Day, and more!

Hopefully you RSVP’d for our annual Flag Raising/Derby Day, hosted by our own Joshua James—this will be an event you will be sad to miss! Thanks to Joshua for stepping up and carrying on this wonderful tradition. If you would like to assist in set up or clean up, we are always looking for available hands to help keep our Club active.

We still need volunteers to assist in our July 4th celebration—many great ideas and feedback was given after last year’s event, so now is your chance to put them into action! Contact Autumn Taylor at bariautumn@gmail.com or WRYC wareriveryc@gmail.com to sign up as host or volunteer!

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Layne Brown Layne Brown


The Club has been put to great use so far in 2023. We have many more great events to come this year. All our WRYC Socials are put together by our Members, that is you! Please step up to help your fellow Members.

January- Annual Meeting; 1 Member Rental

February- Valentine Potluck Social

March- 1 Non-member Rental; Adult Sailing Meeting & Lunch; Wine Tasting

April-Work Day & Fleet Spruce Day 4/1; 3 Non-member Rentals

May- Flag Raising Social 5/6; 1 Non-member Rental; 1 Member Rental; 1 Non-profit Rental

June- 1 Member Rental; Jr Sailing Camp

July- July 4th Social 7/1 or 2; 1 Member Rental; Jr Sailing Camp

August- Jr Sailing Camp; Governor’s Cup 8/5 & 6

September- Labor Day Social 9/2 or 3; 1 Non-member Rental

October- 1 Non-profit; Authentic Oktoberfest Social 10/7; 1- Non-member Rental

November- Oyster Roast Social 11/11

December- Christmas/Holiday Party Social 12/9

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