Fleet Scuttlebutt

Greetings fellow sailors and all club members!  I assume many of you are looking forward as I am to the return of spring.  As noted elsewhere, Saturday, March 29 is our Spring Work Day, and we will be coordinating with Buildings & Grounds and Sailing Camp organizers to make the most of the activities that day.  Regardless of the weather, there will be some organizing and inventory-taking in the sail loft – that will provide an opportunity to get re-acquainted with (or introduced to) the sails and equipment.  If the weather cooperates, we will also spend time conditioning some of the boats (Albacores in particular) in anticipation of warmer weather.  Please plan to join us that day!  Email me at sailing@wryc.org or jdudley5@triad.rr.com, or call me at (704) 363-0483 if you have any questions.

We’re planning some further dates (April 7 – 9 and April 18 – 21) for seasonal maintenance on Tranquility Base, our keelboat, as well as follow-up work on dinghies if needed.  Please stay tuned for updates.

A pre-season note about safety:  Sailing, indeed all boating, can be made quite safe, which further contributes to the enjoyment of the activity.  However, we must remain aware that there are inherent risks while we’re aboard.  There is a balance to be struck between staying safe and enjoying the water, and I welcome everyone’s input to assure both aims are achieved.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about how we might improve safety while on or near the water, please let us know!  We want all members and guests to enjoy our equipment and facilities in comfort and safety.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you on or near the water.

-John Dudley, Fleet Captain


From the Helm…


CLEAN UP DAY-Building & Grounds