The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................
Greetings! I realize it’s been some time since I last provided any updates. While there has been some activity, it wasn’t worthy of the effort it required to report on it. So here is three months’ worth if updates!
First, I want to thank all those members who stepped up to help the fleet group this past year……. whether it was helping with Junior sailing, helping maintain the dinghies and skiff, or taking over the adult sailing program……we had great support, and I thank each and every person. Without YOU the club couldn’t operate!
Now for some business. I’m still working thru the boat storage list and have a pretty accurate listing of assigned boats/trailers and who they belong to. Thank you to all those who responded. I hope to finish the project before the end of 2024. I’m also working on disposing of our 26’ keel boat “Wagtail” and would like to offer any Club member the opportunity to make an offer on it first. If you are interested, please call me and I will provide all the details (Jim G.-757-349-5980). Our plan is to divest of it in the next 30 days. We ultimately would like to purchase a 20-22’ tailorable “swing keel” boat we can moor at the club and keep on our property during winter.
The racing committee has some “fun” events scheduled for 2025 which should generate some additional sailing opportunities………. for amateur skippers, crew opportunity and spectators alike. More to come…………..
Steady winds and calm seas,
Jim Garrett, Fleet Capt.