The official opening of the Yacht Club year went very well. The weather was excellent - not too hot or wet - no bugs, the scout troop did well, the new lines on the flag pole did not foul, the food was excellent, the Derby came off without a hitch, the mint juleps went down smoothly, and a fine time was had by all. Just a rumor that Board members profited from the Derby betting. Again many thanks to Josh James for a superb job of organizing.

A less happy topic is that we seem to have gotten ourselves into somewhat of a pickle. This has to do with the tradition of volunteers organizing social events. I think this was becoming an issue before the Covid years - accelerated during Covid - and has become a very limiting factor. We will need to find a way to incentivize people to step up. I honestly at this point do not know the answer. Suggestions are welcome.

On a happier note - the wine testing event with Nuttall’s store turned out to be a very nice event. A repeat will happen in the fall - tentatively on the Friday of labor Day weekend. It ws formatted to be a benefit to both the Club and the Store. There will be tweaks to the format to accomplish those goals.

Quiz of the month - 2 chances: who said: “Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded” “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, in practice there is.”

Bob Davis, Ccommodore.


Interested in Pickle Ball??


The Latest Fleet Scuttlebut............