The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................
The kickoff meeting to our upcoming sailing season was held March 25th and our turnout ended up being fantastic. By my count we had 20 folks and a potential new member / sailor attend! Thanks to Scott and Veta Titus for helping to organize the event (along with Veta’s chicken chili), Layne Brown for her assistance, and Carolyn August and Bernie Tipton for the yummy desserts. Forgive me if I left anyone out. Everyone had such a great time socializing we forgot to watch the movie! Oh well, maybe next time!!
Next, I’m starting a new monthly Fleet Telltale tradition….” Glossary of Nautical Terms” word of the month. This month’s word is Afterbrow - On larger ships, it’s a secondary gangway rigged in the area aft of midship. On some military vessels, such as U.S. naval vessels, enlisted personnel below E-7 board the ship at the afterbrow; officers and CPO/SCPO/MCPO board the ship at the brow. Now you know!
Our all club workday and Fleet prep was held April 1st but the Fleet group still has more work to do on the Keel boats and moorings. I am targeting the end of April to complete the work so both keel boats are ready to splash the first of May in time for our Flag raising May 6th. Please let me know if you are interested / able to assist.
Lastly, the club was able to purchase a new (to us) Laser including (2) new sails, trailer, dolly and covers. This addition coupled with the new sails I’m having made and blade bags will really freshen up the Laser Fleet for our Junior sailing program. We will continue to upgrade this fleet of boats over the next few years as well.
Fair winds and steady seas,
Jim Garrett, Fleet