The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt ...................
This month, for a change, I wanted to share with you some of the resources we as Club members of WRYC have access to. Besides the great clubhouse and facilities, a few dinghies and our 2 keelboats, we are members of both US Sailing Association and CBRYA (Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association)
Through the clubs US Sailing Assoc. membership, you have access to resources such as Sail flow @ SailFlow which is a great source for live wind and weather info. You can also access their extensive library of Resources and Tools for everything from Jr Sailing training thru their Skillup app, to sailing instruction or becoming a certified Race Committee Officer, and much more. To learn more, go to, Organizations - US Sailing.
CBYRA is another more regional association that really caters to sailing/racing on the Chesapeake Bay. They break the Chesapeake down by regions and we are in region 4S (Southern Bay). Again, here you can access videos, get a list of other member clubs, or download a calendar of events. They also have areas where you can sign up as crew for racing keel boats on the bay or for educational training. If you're interested in learning more about sailing in and around the Chesapeake, you can probably find what you're looking for here.
For more information about this group and the resources available go to CBYRA – Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association
Fair winds and flat seas,
Jim Garrett, Fleet Capt.