The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt

It seems we’ve turned the corner on summer and headed squarely into Fall. Still plenty of sailing opportunity this time of year though. Hopefully we continue to dodge the remainder of Hurricane season and have some great sailing weather…….so far so good.

Adult sailing classes have ended and all in all I believe we had a successful season. We ended with a number of folks able to “single hand’ the lasers and a few who can skipper an Albacore or a keel boat. Many thanks to our instructors who dedicated their Saturday to helping folks learn the basics and get them started in this great sport. We will plan to have a meeting over the winter to organize for next year.

There’s been some discussion about organizing an overnight sailing trip to Cape Charles in October using member boats and our club keel boat TB, and a few folks have shown interest. If you’d like to hear more about this please let me know and I’ll get you with Scott Titus who’s organizing these “cruises”.

The next order of business will be to finish our list of repairs on the Lasers and Opti’s. The keel boats will remain in the water until late October or early November so please let me know if you want to get out on one or get checked out, there is still time.

Not much else to report. Please be on the lookout for an email scheduling a weekend to finish the boat repairs, until then…..

Steady winds and trailing seas be upon you !

Jim Garrett - Fleet


From The Commodore


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year