The Latest Fleet Scuttlebutt

Governors Cup and Jr Sailing are now behind us, which means that Fall is approaching. We’ve begun to assess our Lasers, Opti’s and club Albacores for what repairs are needed and it appears we have quite a few. Thanks to a few members we’ve already begun to inspect boats and have a good list of what’s needed for the Opti’s and Lasers and have already ordered parts. Once we determine what’s needed for the Albacores I’ll organize a workday to get everything repaired. We still have some of the best sailing whether ahead so we definitely want to take advantage.

Adult sailing is winding down and and we’ve had a really successful year, as measured by the number of folks who have attended on a regular basis. We plan to continue offering these classes through September as instructors are available. Many thanks to our instructors, Mike Mastracci, Scott Titus, Joe Morgan and Ian Palmer. As with all areas of club activity, nothing gets done without volunteers willing to donate their time and talents to promote and support WRYC. Please think about where you can serve and be part of making a difference.

The reservation system for checking out the Club boats (keel and dinghy’s) seems to be working well and I appreciate all the folks who’ve used it to reserve a boat. Both keel boats have had quite a bit of use this season and for anyone who still wants to get checked out on them, please let me know and we’ll schedule the time.

That’s about it for now. Hope to see you on the water.

Happy Sailing,

Jim Garrett - Fleet


Commodore’s Ramblings


Clinging to Summer