Adult Sailing Update

Despite a slow start due to weather and scheduling, we were able to get fifteen brave souls out for the adult sailing program. No prior sailing experience was necessary and classes began inside with an overview of the basics. Afterwards it was out on the water using the Albacores, Lasers and Wags (the Club keel boat). Everything was very informal, low key and NO pressure, which was great for everyone’s confidence. After a few Saturday sessions, students learned sailing basics, terminology, rigging and de-rigging the boats. The objective of Adult Sailing is for students to be competent when taking a small boat out for a sail, and with a little more practice, that goal will be met. Everyone has done a tremendous job of braving requests and demonstrating a willingness to adventure out on the Ware.

We will likely finish the summer with another class or two and then resume again next spring.

I’d like to thank Jim G., Stephanie P., Bill B., and Ian P. for assisting me on various Saturdays.

Joe M.