Fall Sailing?................Absolutely !

Albacores converging.jpg

It may be October but that’s some of the best sailing weather here in the Commonwealth. As the temps start to cool we can still get out on the water, even in the smaller boats. I plan to leave one Club Albacore near the ramp at least thru October. The keel boat is also available thru October and I still have a weekend or 2 available should someone want to get checked out so let me know.

Speaking of Albacore’s, the Club just acquired another boat, including a decent trailer AND a dolly. The new boat (#7494) has a yellow deck, newer set of sails and is set up as more of a day sailor. It still needs to have the mast stepped and rigged but all the pieces and parts are there.

Now, on to more serious business. I have reached out to the membership regarding boat storage and asked all who store a boat on Club property to send me an email providing the boat type, length, trailered/not trailered, but received only a few responses. In the next week or so I will be sending out another notice to the membership asking for this information again. We need to have an accurate listing of ALL stored boats for a multitude of reasons, including who to contact in case of damage, impending weather moving in, etc. Please take this request seriously so we can protect both you and the Club.

Not really much else to report for now. I do have a special surprise for the Club but I think I’ll save that for next month!

Have a safe and enjoyable October.

Jim Garrett - Fleet