Welcome to December
/Welcome to December! I wish I could say that since this is the last month of the year, the upcoming year is going to be back to normal! Alas! That is not going to be my message! I do however want to thank the membership for being supportive of the few socials we were able to have…with the last one in September becoming our Grand Finale!
At our last board meeting we made the decision that our Annual meeting could not be held under our present guidelines. We will be having reports and the budget and hopefully a zoom meeting to go over these items. Also, at that same meeting, we have decided to form a social committee to oversee our social functions. I am agreeing to stay on the board one more year to be the liaison for the committee. Alice Bredin-Karny and I have set up responsibilities to spread among the group.
Board member – (myself currently)
Attend board meetings – this can be via Zoom
Telltale Social Update Article (once per month)
Oversee host sign-up sheet
Get cash box and make reports
Submit receipts
This person would set-up the room with simple decorations (there are a variety at club) A subcommittee could be formed. This set-up can occur Friday (if club is not booked) or Saturday morning. Set-up a clean-up crew. Most of the time our members help with taking care of the trash on their tables.
If there is no host signed up for social, basically call the caterer (we have names), get people to cover the door (1 usually), and the bar (2). Also, call the ladies that help in the kitchen (again we have names). Help with clean-up crew. If there is a host signed up, help with person number 2.
If there is a host signed-up, they have the option of contacting a caterer or doing the social with another couple. They also take care of getting the person for the door and the people for the bar. Person #3 would still call the girls to help in the kitchen if host requests them.
Our club has many helpful members, and to run smoothly, it requires passing the helpfulness around. If the same people have to do most of the work, then we over work them! We will have to go month by month to see when we can have socials, but with everyone’s cooperation, we can keep our club active!
Anyone that is interested in the above committee, please get in touch with me through our wareriveryc@gmail.com
Thank you,
Jane Smith
Social Chm.