Successful Oyster Roast; New Years Eve!
We had a wonderful Oyster Roast social on November 9th. Thanks to Tish & Will Grant and their hard-working family members, plus Lorna & Steve Hanson, Beve & Gary Hermanson and Joe & Hollye Morgan for everything they did to make this popular annual event a roaring success. The oysters were roasted perfectly, the hot dogs were grilled just right with all of the fixins’, and the dessert bars were fantastic. And, a big thank you to everyone that made their special pot of chili and brought it for all to enjoy.
We do encourage our members to sign up early for socials, as our hosts need this information as they plan and/or work with a caterer to make sure there is enough food, drink, etc. for all attending. A deadline date is always shown on the social invitation, so please call before this RSVP date. It is important!
Our final event for 2019 will be our annual New Year’s Eve social on December 31st.The theme this year will be “Celebrating New Year’s Eve on Island Time”, and it will begin at 7:00 with a social time, then a dinner at 7:30, catered by Chef Tim Winchester.We will enjoy music, dancing and fun with Susan Voss (from Vossome Music), and the ball will drop and the “bubbly” will flow at 11:00 Ware Neck time (which is 12 midnight Island time).Please see the invitation included in this Telltale and call your RSVP in early.Feel free to invite non-members to join us for a fun night of celebrating Island Style.
Tropical clothing will be very appropriate, so dig out your Caribbean shirt, grass skirt, straw hat and flip flops and come looking festive.Looking forward to seeing you there!
SAVE THE DATE FOR ANNUAL MEETING (Invitation included in this Telltale) – Saturday, January 11, 2020 @ 5:00 PM