Successful Octoberfest; Upcoming Oyster Roast!
Cheers to Jane Smith and all our volunteers! Octoberfest was a great success. Despite lots of competition with other Fall events in the area, we still had a good turnout, great food, an open bar (thanks Dave Brown for tending), and enjoyable company.
It is hard to believe that 2019 is just about over. Make your plans now to attend the last 2 Socials of 2019. The ever-popular Oyster Roast, November 9 and the New Year’s Eve Celebration, December 31. New Year’s will be celebrated “Island Style” with themed food and turning our clocks to celebrate the New Year arrival an hour earlier!
The Club’s membership is vital for making our social events successful, so participate, volunteer, host, plan, clean-up after a social. Your Board needs help in any way you can offer it. You can make a difference here at WRYC!
Oyster Roast Menu / RSVP